Frootea Packaging
What cues, other than color, could be used to code for a flavor?
This project is inspired by an interview from my color blindness research project. The interviewee mentioned the nuances of designing food packaging without relying on colors we typically associate with different flavors. For example, using yellow on lemon-flavored packaging would make the imagery difficult to see and thus inaccessible.
I wanted to challenge myself by designing flavored drink packaging without using color as a visual cue. Instead, this design uses pictorial and textual codes.

"When I worked at the company, the private label director had a workshop around older audiences—so glaucoma and failing eyesight. One thing we discovered was that yellow and white, which is difficult for
normal eyesight, is impossible to see for an older person. And we had designed a lemon gelato that used those colors. We had to change that to green, or something that created contrast because the yellow was
definitely not going to work for
our audience."